Monday, April 25, 2011


Not a big fisher, but apparently GPS is becoming a regualr part of the fishing experiance for professionals and regulars. GPS units have been created by Garmin and other places that allow you to explore without getting lost, dock your favorite spots, calculate optimal feeding times for the fish, contain detailed information about the area and the type of fish known to reside in the area.

A handheld one costs around 150 dollars

You can also plant it on your boat and it will have fish finding capabilities...this will go for 500-1000 dollars though. Check an example out below:

Hi tech cleats

This is a little off topic but I did see a really cool fake shoe ad online the other day where you could use social media, get discounts, interact with people, by wearing a special rfid shoe and stepping on a mat. It is not a real technology yet but it could would be neat if you can get a free drink at a bar, meet a facebook friend, etc. just by wearing sneakers and stepping on a mat. it is hard to explain but it is really cool, go to this website to check a video about this for yourself

Cool! WOO! Sweet Soccer Ball! WOO!


CTRUS Concept soccer ball from Agent uses GPS AND RFID to help officials accuratly judge games and can change colors during key moments in the game to reflect what is going on. The coolest part of this ball is how it looks check it out below

Monday, April 11, 2011

COOL! WOO! My Idea for Rfid in mixed martial arts! WOO!

I was watching the karate kid over the weekend and I had a great idea for mixed martial arts fighting competitions. I thought that perhaps RFID could be used to help score the organized battles. The arena could have a magnetic field in it that could gauge where on the body contact was made and points could be rewarded accordingly. Also rfid could be implanted in what the fighters were wearing and could let the refs know when a score was made. this could get the ref out of the ring where they could be a distraction to the fighters or even worse get themselves injured. This could also help populize the sport and bring technology out of the workout room and into the ring.

WOO! COOL! Computer Science = more bat pop? WOO!

In my research for my final case project I stumbled across a bat that has radar embedded in it to help training with bat speed. Bat Speed directly adds distance to hitters shots so a "radar bat' could be a very useful training tool. Also a baseball with radar could help pitchers see how well they are throwing this could be very useful for pitchers developing arm speed and pitching techniques. An image of an example of this type of equipment is shown below:


I was having a conversation with a colleague recently and we started talking about how its difficult to manually officiate whether the football crosses the plane/gets inside the pylon during NFL football games. A solution to this problem would be the use of GTL (Goaline Management Technology) which leverages the magnetic field technology currently applied in trial in FIFA soccer. Thin cables are put in the ground or wireless above the turf, installed on the goaline and they emit a unique magnetic field. A sensor in the ball would measure and send encrypted data to receivers in acomputer which determine when the ball has crossed the line, the referee would be appropriatly informed of the decision. This would all take a fraction of a second and seems like a reasonable and feasible solution to the much debated goal line calls.

Monday, April 4, 2011

COOL! WOO! No more lost golf balls! WOO!

it is finnally here! Technology that can help with one of the most annoying aspects of one of the greatest games. Radargolf has created golf balls that are embedded with RFID chips. These chips can help you find your balls if you are like me and constantly knock it off course into the woods, marsh, high rough, etc. The propriety BPS (Ball positing system) will help save time and money because it will be easier to find these balls. A tablet is used, a handheld device with a tracking range of about 30 meters and an LCD screen and pulsating audio tone that will help guide you to your lost golfball.