Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi everyone, and welcome to my sports technology blog...

Throughout time we have seen how technology has evolved and how it is impacted all our lives. From ancient hieroglyphics written on stone tablets, to the telegraph, to the telephone, to the cellphone, to Twitter, technology has evolved and improved communication...while not as historically important as that, sports technology has evolved too, and today it is being used and experimented with more then ever. This is why I am writing this blog, because sports technology is at its highest point ever, major technological breakthroughs are paving the way for the future of sports playing, viewing, and studying. New technology is being harnessed and worked on to improve and futurize the games we love, and that which have become so integrated into our society. Things like Hawk-eye technology and smartballs loaded with tracking chips to provide real time data to officials are emerging, Computer systems that help with athlets' training and nutrition are being used, instant replay technology and other high tech elements are already widely used to take the human element out of officiating a game and improve it. What technology in sports will we see next? If it really good for the sports? These are some of the the things that will be discussed over the following 12 weeks as I blog about the technology in sports both today and tommorow. I hope you enjoy!

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